
Showing posts from December, 2008


[ daily walk ] petugas kereta api....

Seorang bapak setengah baya bekerja pada sebuah perusahaan kereta api, dan tugas bapak ini mudah saja. Beliau hanya bertugas menarik sebuah tuas yang mengerakkan roda roda raksasa yang saling berhubungan untuk mengangkat jembatan yang merintangi jalan kereta api, sehingga kereta api tersebut dapat lewat dengan selamat. (artinya: jika jembatan tersebut tidak diangkat, maka kereta api itu akan mengalami kecelakaan yang sangat hebat). Bapak ini mempunyai seorang anak satu-satunya yang sangat dikasihi dengan segenap jiwanya. Pada suatu hari, anak bapak ini mengunjungi bapaknya dan bapaknya membiarkan anaknya itu melihat lihat tempat kerjanya. Sewaktu anak ini menghampiri roda roda raksasa tersebut, tiba tiba sang anak terpeleset dan jatuh diantara roda roda raksasa tersebut, malang baginya, kaki anak kecil tersebut terjepit dengan eratnya diantara gerigi roda roda raksasa tersebut. Demi melihat kaki anaknya terjepit diantara roda roda raksasa tersebut, sang bapak dengan serta merta berusah...

How to Start an Import/Export Business

How to Start an Import/Export Business From importing exotic fashions to exporting light fixtures, the international trade business will take you all over the world and into all product niches. more to know? click here .


Suatu hari diadakan lomba untuk mencari pelatih sirkus yang handal di dunia. Setelah melewati babak penyisihan, hanya 3 pelatih sirkus yang lolos babak tersebut, yaitu dari negara Indonesia, Thailand dan India. Dewan juri memberikan satu ujian terakhir untuk menobatkan sebagai pelatih sirkus terbaik sepanjang masa. Lalu di sediakanlah satu ekor gajah jantan yang besar dan masing-masing pelatih bergiliran diuji untuk membuat gajah itu duduk. Pelatih dari India maupun Thailand bergantian mencoba tapi tidak berhasil, sampai mereka bersemedi segala, tapi tetap gajah bengong tidak bergerak. Giliran pelatih Indonesia, dan dia langsung berdiri menatap mata gajah dan mengelilingi 3 kali. Dan tepat diekor, dia mengangkat ekornya dan menyentil biji gajah. Akibatnya gajah mulas dan terduduk. Penonton bersorak atas kemenangan Indonesia, tapi dari negara lain menggerutu tidak puas dan meminta satu ujian lagi untuk menyakinkan. Kata dewan juri, ?Gimana supaya membuat gajah menggeleng !? Baik dari In...

How Google Chrome Logo Was Created


mixed lyric lirik

Allah Sumber Kuatku Eugene Greco Hanya Kau milikku di surga Tiada yang kuingini di bumi, hanya Kau Tak kuandalkan kekuatanku Namun, yang pasti Kau tetap s’lamanya Chorus: Allah, sumber kuatku, Allah, sumber kuatku Allah, sumber kuatku, dan bagianku s’lamanya Allah, sumber kuatku, Allah, sumber kuatku Allah, sumber kuatku, dan bagianku s’lamanya Slamanya Anggur Baru Robert & Lea Sutanto Roh kudus tercurah di tempat ini Urapan-Nya yang ajaib, memulihkan umat-Nya Roh kudus tercurah bagi g'reja-Nya Membangkitkan umat pilihan-Nya Hari inilah harinya Tuhan Saat pembebasan tiba Belenggu dosa t'lah dipatahkan Mari bersorak bagi Dia Reff: Anggur baru tercurah Penuhi umat-nya dengan sukacita ha..... Minyak baru tercurah Urapi umat-nya, nyata kuasa-nya Arti Hidupku – HPM Album: Dominion Mandate ©2006 Arti hidupku, kutemukan dalamMu, setiap janjiMu, menuntun langkahku takkan kumenyerah, walau badai menerpaku Kukan berlari dengan seg’nap kuatku Selama mentari bersinar, selama bumi berp...
For Who You Are - Hillsong Standing here in Your presence Thinking of the good things You have done Waiting here patiently Just to hear Your still small voice again Holy, righteous, faithful to the end, Saviour, healer, redeemer, and friend I will worship You for who You are I will worship You for who You are I will worship You for who You are Jesus Bridge: My soul secure, Your promise sure Your love endures always (2x) How Great Is Our God - Chris Tomlin The splendor of a King, Clothed in majesty Let all the earth rejoice, All the earth rejoice He wraps himself in light, And darkness tries to hide And trembles at his voice, And trembles at his voice How great is our God, sing with me How great is our God, and all will see How great, How great Is our God Age to age he stands And time is in His Hands Beginning and the End, Beginning and the End The Godhead, Three in one Father, Spirit, Son The Lion and the Lamb, The Lion and the Lamb Bridge Name above all names You are Worthy of all pra...

lirik lagu...

God Is Always With Me Sunny summer days lift my heart in praise to my God above to let Him see my love my love Reff: God is always with me He is all around me, ever in my mind and in my every prayer Lightly falling snow oceans deep below awesome sunsets glow help me know to know [Kontributor: Kiki] MY GOD, YOU ARE MY GOD Abide in me I fall on my knees When others fail And all comforts flee I need You close to me How desperate can I be? I bring You my life Won't You shine down on me? My God, You are my God And I will seek You earnestly My God, You are my God And I will worship You endlessly (Music by GMB, lyrics by Sidney Mohede) SAMPAI Semua harta di dalam dunia Semua tahta yang dapat tergapai Takkan bisa menggantikan kasih Bapa Semua karya yang t'lah terlukiskan Semua nada yang telah terdengar Takkan bisa menyaingi cintaMu Sampai habis bumi berlalu Sampai siang malam menyatu Kan kupuja dan kusembah Engkau Ya Bapaku Sampai namaMu ditinggikan Di setiap hati dan bangsa Kasih saya...

Merry Christmas in many languages.. ^^

Merry Christmas - english, 圣诞快乐 - china, vrolijk kerstfeest - dutch, maligayang pasko - tagalog, joyeux noël - french, Frohe Weihnachten - german, क्रिसमस की शुभकामनाएँ - hindi, selamat hari natal - indonesian, buon natale - italian, メリークリスマス - japanese, 즐거운 성탄절 되세요 - korean, feliz navidad - spanish

the day after xmas..

last night.. i went to see movies.. i said movies.. cuz i went to movie marathon... lol.. i saw curious case of benjamin button.. not good.. T.T i dont like it.. and then.. bedtime stories.. not bad.. ^^ and then... last... i saw marley and me.. ^^ romantic.. and cute.. but the best thing is yet to come... hehehe.. the next day.. i went to the office.. actualy.. i am at the office right now.. hehehe.. writting this blog.. ^^ just to want let you know.. finally.. i hear the voice.. OMG... O_o.. happiest day in my life so far.. alright.. just wait... the best is yet to come... april 2009.. ^^ april 2009..

My New Year's Resolutions!

ok.. i know it's not new years ever.. it's not even christmas eve... but i just want to get myself clear.. that i have lots of thing that have to be done or learn.. so.. here you go... My New Year's Resolutions! 1. Learn how to play DRUM! 2. Go get TOEFL so i can go to college! (fix my crappy english.. -.-") 3. Go to college. Take Web Design Major! 4. go to gym (i doubt it.. -.-") 5. Play soccer in the futsal fields near by my house every afternoon. 6. get become a great company! 7. learn how to play saxophone so i can play it on easter concert or xmas concert... 2009! 8. Minister in IFGF.. more and more! more for Jesus! (cg..sunday service..) 9. get one website done every one week.. 10. get my green card taken care of.. 11.

Lonely christmas...

Christmas.... aren't we suppose to be happy on xmas day? O_o.... instead.. what do i get? lonely Christmas day... OMG.. i know that i'm suppose to give thanks to God all the time in any circumstances.... now it's not like i regret everything or i'm not giving Him thanks.. but.. i just want to pour out my sadness.. my loneliness.. ^^ God.. Jesus.. my Love.. He gave me everything! like.. if i'm looking back through my history.. i will never...ever..ever... be in my place right now if i was using my own strength.. i've been to many places.. once again.. it's all because of Jesus.. not because of me.. not because of my dad have a lot of money... not because someone rich gave me his money for me to travel around the globe.. nope. it's all because of God's grace! i've been to new york.. florida..virginia.. even south dakota.. i bet you dont even know or never heard that place.. see? i was in new york last winter.. i had a winter wonderland! i made fros...


1. KETURUNAN SANG WANITA Kejadian 3:15 Aku akan mengadakan permusuhan antara engkau dan perempuan ini, antara keturunanmu dan keturunannya; keturunannya akan meremukkan kepalamu, dan engkau akan meremukkan tumitnya." Digenapi dalam: Galatia 4:4 Tetapi setelah genap waktunya, maka Allah mengutus Anak-Nya, yang lahir dari seorang perempuan dan takluk kepada hukum Taurat. 2. KETURUNAN ABRAHAM Kejadian 12:3 Aku akan memberkati orang-orang yang memberkati engkau, dan mengutuk orang-orang yang mengutuk engkau, dan olehmu semua kaum di muka bumi akan mendapat berkat." Digenapi dalam: Matius 1:1-2 Inilah silsilah Yesus Kristus, anak Daud, anak Abraham. Abraham memperanakkan Ishak, Ishak memperanakkan Yakub, Yakub memperanakkan Yehuda dan saudara-saudaranya, 3. KETURUNAN ISHAK Kejadian 17:19 Tetapi Allah berfirman: "Tidak, melainkan isterimu Saralah yang akan melahirkan anak laki-laki bagimu, dan engkau akan menamai dia Ishak, dan Aku akan mengadakan perjanjian-K...

Christmas Is a Time of Salvation

Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger. Luke 2:11-12 (NIV) Today in the town of David (that’s Bethlehem) a Savior (there’s the salvation part) has been born to you (for you – a savior for YOU); he is Christ the Lord. No doubt you’ve heard the phrase, “He was saved” or “She was saved,” but maybe you’ve wondered what that really means? Let me give you a simple illustration. When my oldest child, Amy, was still young enough to be strapped into a car seat, she was with me as we were driving on a very, very hot day. She finally hung her head out the window, and being a three-and-a-half-year-old unable to get herself out of the car seat, she said, “Please, God! Get me out of this!” Amy needed a savior! She couldn’t get out of her predicament by herself; she needed someone else to set her free. She needed someone to rescue her, to deliver her, to release her. Mayb...

[ joke ] great jokes!!

apa beda Megi Z sama tukang sayur? kalo Megi Z teriak 'teganya-teganya' , kalo tukang sayur 'togenya-togenya' kenapa di komputer ada tulisan ENTER? karena kalo tulisannya ENTAR, programnya 'ngga jalan-jalan, dong..... binatang apa yang paling panjang? ular ngantri beras kenapa gorila lubang hidungnya besar? karena jari-jarinya juga besar, biar pas buat ngupil ikan apa yang lahir langsung disiksa ibunya? ikan lohan (liat aja kepalanya benjol) siapa nama orang Bali yang hobi travelling? Made (Made in Japan , Made in China , Made in Thailand ) siapa presiden RI yang paling seksi? Paha Bibi siapa wan ita paling kuat sedunia? Nyonya Meneer, berdiri sejak 1812 binatang apa yang warnanya h ita m-putih- merah? zebra masuk angin abis dikerokin Kenapa air laut asin? karena ikannya pada keringetan mangga apa yang mengerikan? MANGGAruk-garuk pantat singa profesi apa yang 'ngga perlu sekolah? wasit tinju, cuman ngitung dari 1 sampe 10 doang mengapa dalam bahasa Inggris wan i...

God really likes parties

Christmas: Celebration! “I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.” Luke 2:10 (NIV) This may come as a shock to you, but God really likes parties. God is into parties; God likes to party; God is constantly throwing parties. In fact, the Bible says that God’s angels throw a party every time a single person trusts Jesus as the Lord and Savior of his or her life. They party for joy whenever someone turns away from self-centeredness and turns toward Jesus. Christmas is a party; it’s a birthday party for Jesus. It’s why we say “Merry Christmas.” Yet, we often leave the guest of honor out of our Christmas parties! Thinking about this irony, I started asking people, “What are you celebrating this Christmas?” This is what a few of them told me: · “What am I celebrating? Not a lot.” · “The blessings that we’ve had in our family this year.” · “Just the Christmas spirit.” · “Being home and not being on the road for the holidays.” · “This Christmas? I’m celebrating the bi...

UNDO - by Rush of Fools

UNDO - by Rush of Fools Verse: D A/C# Bm Ive been here before, now here I am again D A/C# Bm Standing at the door, praying Youll let me back in G A To label me a prodigal would be D D/F$ G Only scratching the surface of who Ive been known to be Chorus: D Bm Turn me around pick me up G A Undo what Ive become D Bm Bring me back to the place G A Of forgiveness and grace D Bm I need you, need your help G A I cant do this myself D Bm G Youre the only one who can undo A D Bm G A What Ive become Verse 2: same as first I focused on the score, but I could never win Trying to ignore, a life of hiding my sin To label me a hypocrite would be Only scratching the surface of who Ive been known to be Chorus Bridge: F#m G Make every step lead me back to F#m G A The sovereign way that you