
first blog.. first post... ^^

okay... today.. June 21st, 2008.. ^^ the first time ever i write for my own blog...
hehehe... aku terinspirasi ama blognya temen gereja ku... namanya Paul Tuanakotta (klik disini untuk liat blognya yg luar biasa).. terus dia juga nyemangetin aku untuk bikin blog.... walaupun.. sejujurnya.. aku tuh gak tau caranya bikin blog.. is it only just type whatever we want? or.. is there any rules to have a blog? what..ever! ^_^ i have a blog now!

hehehe... aku.. banyaaaakkk diberkati Tuhan Yesus.. yg pasti aku ceritain di blog ini..

Jesus love you!


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