
Showing posts from November, 2008


[ daily walk ] Donat for you?

Ada seorang Profesor mata kuliah Religi yang bernama Dr.Christianson yang mengajar di sebuah perguruan tinggi kecil di bagian barat Amerika Serikat. Dr. Christianson mengajar ke-Kristenan di perguruan tinggi ini dan setiap siswa semester pertama diwajibkan untuk mengikuti kelas ini. Sekalipun Dr. Christianson berusaha keras menyampaikan intisari Injil kepada kelasnya, ia menemukan bahwa kebanyakan siswanya memandang materi yang diajarnya sebagai suatu kegiatan yang membosankan. Meskipun ia sudah berusaha sebaik mungkin, kebanyakan siswa menolak untuk menanggapi Kekristenan secara serius. Tahun ini, Dr. Christianson mempunyai seorang siswa yang spesial yang bernama, Steve. Steve belajar dengan tujuan untuk melanjutkan studinya ke seminari dan mau masuk ke dalam pelayanan. Steve seorang yang popular, ia disukai banyak orang, dan seorang atlet yang memiliki fisik yang prima dan ia merupakan siswa terbaik di kelas professor itu. Suatu hari, Dr Christanson meminta Steve untuk tidak langsung...

i present you... Caramel Frappuccino... ^___^

okay.. probably most of you out there know what is that... yup! Starbucks Coffee's Caramel Frappucinno... maybe some of you guys probably get addicted with this.. lol... i dont like coffee.. that's why i never bother to go to Starbucks Coffee or to Coffee Bean.. eventhough Coffee Bean just only one level away from my office.. lol... but hey.. start for today.. this one.. will be my favorite drink.. ^^ Caramel Frappuccino..

Blood and Sand Cocktail recipe

okay... i dont drink... but i was working as a waiter before.. and.. when i was working in a restaurant in New York.. i had to try special Cocktail everynight.. because we have to know what it taste like.. and so far.. the best.. the only one that like.. is Blood and Sand Cocktail.. ^^ P i like this Cocktail because this is the only heavy Drink that sweet (as fas as i know.. lol).. and i like sweet.. so this is my favorite cocktail so far... Probably some of you guys dont know how to make it.. and some of you guys dont even know what is that... so here you go.. Blood and Sand Cocktail recipe 3/4 oz Scotch whisky 3/4 oz rosso vermouth 1/4 oz cherry brandy 1 1/2 oz orange juice

gas price.. ^^

today... Nov 25th... hehehe.. so happy when i see gas price like this.. hehehe.. dulu pernah sampe $4.50/galon.. mpe ongkek2 belinya juga.. -.-"

Indescribable by Louie Giglio - Part 1 of 5

Indescribable by Louie Giglio - Part 1 of 5 klik aja di titlenya... nti langsung k youtube.. ok?! ;p Indescribable by Louie Giglio - Part 2 of 5 Indescribable by Louie Giglio - Part 3 of 5 Indescribable by Louie Giglio - Part 4 of 5 Indescribable by Louie Giglio - Part 5 of 5 lanjut ini... Louie Giglio: How Great Is Our God Tour - Part 1 Louie Giglio: How Great Is Our God Tour - Part 2 Louie Giglio: How Great Is Our God Tour - Part 3 Louie Giglio: How Great Is Our God Tour - Part 4 Louie Giglio: How Great Is Our God Tour - Part 5 and this is the last video.. for now.. 1/6 Louie Giglio - welcome to the story of God 2/6 Louie Giglio - welcome to the story of God 3/6 Louie Giglio - welcome to the story of God 4/6 Louie Giglio - welcome to the story of God 5/6 Louie Giglio - welcome to the story of God 6/6 Louie Giglio - welcome to the story of God

Return to Your First Love

Return to Your First Love “Look how far you have fallen from your first love! Turn back to me again and work as you did at first.” —Revelation 2:5 Do you remember when you first fell in love with your spouse? Remember how you wanted to make such a great impression? You would wear your best clothes, put your best foot forward, and use your best manners. Wherever you went, people could see you holding hands and looking into one another’s eyes. Then there were those little gifts you would give to each other throughout the week, just to let each other know how much you loved one another. What brought you and your spouse together was your desire for companionship, for intimacy, for honesty. But when a husband and wife begin to take each other for granted, that marriage becomes endangered. A marriage is strong because you make it that way. Romance is kept alive by a conscious effort on your part. Romance is not something that comes and goes. It is something that you keep alive as you...

Love Is a Choice

Love Is a Choice … That you may love the Lord your God, listen to His voice, and hold fast to Him. For the Lord is your life, and He will give you many years in the land He swore to give to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Deuteronomy 30:20 (NIV) *** *** *** *** Love is a choice and a commitment. You choose to love or you choose not to love. Today we’ve bought into this myth that love is uncontrollable , that it’s something that just happens to us; it’s not something we control. In fact, even the language we use implies the uncontrollability of love. We say, “I fell in love,” as if love is some kind of a ditch. It’s like I’m walking along one day and bam! – I fell in love. Or probably go online.. chat.. found an old friend that turns out to be the perfect girl ever.. and.. bam! – I fell in love. I couldn’t help myself. But I have to tell you the truth :( – that’s not love. Love doesn’t just happen to you. Love is a choice and it represents a commitment. There’s no doubt about i...

i love you mom... i really do!

OMG... O_o... mam.. ming sayang ma mamih... kangen banget... :( ma kasih buat semuanya.. mam tunggu aku pulang.. tetep sehat yagh... tunggu aku pulang mam.. biar aku bisa manjain mamih.. Luv u mom.. Delapan Kebohongan Seorang Ibu Dalam Hidupnya Dalam kehidupan kita sehari-hari, kita percaya bahwa kebohongan akan membuat manusia terpuruk dalam penderitaan yang mendalam, tetapi kisah ini justru sebaliknya. Dengan adanya kebohongan ini, makna sesungguhnya dari kebohongan ini justru dapat membuka mata kita dan terbebas dari penderitaan, ibarat sebuah energi yang mampu mendorong mekarnya sekuntum bunga yang paling indah di dunia. Cerita bermula ketika aku masih kecil, aku terlahir sebagai seorang anak laki-laki di sebuah keluarga yang miskin. Bahkan untuk makan saja, seringkali kekurangan. Ketika makan, ibu sering memberikan porsi nasinya untukku. Sambil memindahkan nasi ke mangkukku, ibu berkata : "Makanlah nak, aku tidak lapar" ---------- KEBOHONGAN IBU YANG PERTAMA Ketika saya ...

thanksgiving week...

ok.. hari ini.. senin.. 4 days to go to thanksgiving day.. and my boss having a vacation for the whole week in Mexico.. yeay! tadi kerja browsing molo kerjaannya.. hhaha... aniwei.. i just know.. that somewhere out there.. someone perfect is waiting for me.. whether she is with some other guy or single. idk.. but i pretty sure that she's out there.. waiting for me to pick her up... waiting for me to love her more.. waiting for me to miss her more... to treat her that tells her that she is the best thing ever happen in my life.. she's perfect in every way.. the way she speaks.. the way she thinks.. the way she tells me how she want to be spoiled... OMG.. can't wait to spend the rest of my life with her... matt 21:22 Jesus.. this is my life.. i surender to You.. make me love You more.. more than i love myself...

Psalm 73:23

Nevertheless I am continually with You; You hold me by my right hand. —Psalm 73:23 One of the joys of being with kids is holding their hands. We do it to keep them safe while crossing the street, or to keep them from getting lost in a crowd. And whenever they stumble and lose their footing, we grab their little hands tighter to keep them from falling. That’s what God does for us. Inevitably there are stones and cracks that trip us up on the sidewalks of life. That’s why it’s easy to identify with the psalmist, who said, “My steps had nearly slipped” (Ps. 73:2). We all face a variety of issues that threaten to make us stumble. For the psalmist Asaph, seeing the prosperity of the wicked caused him to question the goodness of God. But God squeezed his hand and reassured him that, given the judgment of God, the wicked do not really prosper. True prosperity, the psalmist discovered, was found in the fact that God was always with him: “You hold me by my right hand” (v.23). And just for good...

ming and irwan alexander..

ming and irwan alexander..

KING - Tree 63

lagu ini keknya berkesan banget.. selain bawa aku ke jalan Tuhan lagi.. ^^ ni lagu juga ada di list lagu pas aku pelayanan pertama di IFGF GISI LA... sp.. i hope all of you guys be blessed with this song kek aku diberkati banget ma lagu ini... Glory to the Lord!! King - Tree63 We have heard the thunder We have seen the storm Echoes of your kingdom coming Rumors of our home Where one day we will stand before you Lord Our altogether beautiful reward CHORUS: And we will give you glory bring you honor King above all kings You deserve our everything We will lift our voices with your praises Jesus you are our king Though now we walk in darkness Though now we see in part Right now we're warmed by the burning flames Of the fire in our hearts You've promised you would lead us to your throne Where we will worship you and you alone ni video youtubenya... click here ...

the one with me.. and the cinema.. lol..

OMG.. kemaren sabtu.. aku ke bioskop.. abisnya bt dirumah.. abis dari bengkel.. bolos latihan choir buat natal...gak ada kerjaan.. eehh.. di ajakin ko Untung nonton Madagascar 2 buat nemenin anaknya, 4 taon, Winston... so.. off we go.. hehehe... and disono.. gue lanjut nonton 3 film lainnya.. hahahaha.... first.. Madagascar 2. Great movie.. i think this one better than the first one.. ^^ disini lebih lucu.. yg paling bikin ngakak.. pas Melmin si Jerapah... my fave.. (karena suaranya si David Schwimmer!!!), Alex (singa), Marty(Zebra) and Gloria(Kuda Nil) naek pesawat gembel buat balik lagi ke new york.. tapi pesawat itu di bantu terbangnya ma ketapel raksaksa.. terus pas ketapelnya di lepas.. that's make me laugh out loud! hahaha.. go watch it! and then.. pas si Alexnya mo pergi buat nge ancurin DAM nya.. disitu friendshipnya Alex ma si Marty terbukti kuatnya.. hikz.. i really want friendship like that.. aku quote kata2nya si Marty... kan si alexnya mo pergi sendiri.. terus si Alex ...


BEDA COWOK GANTENG VS COWOK JELEK Kalau cowok ganteng single Cewek bilang : pasti dia perfeksionis Kalau cowok jelek single Cewek bilang : pantes lah, gak laku! Kalau cowok ganteng bergaya gaul Cewek bilang : Funky abis… Kalau cowok jelek bergaya gaul Cewek bilang : Ih norak..! Kalau cowok ganteng pendiam Cewek bilang : Cool banget sih… Kalau cowok jelek pendiam Cewek bilang : Ih kuper..! Kalau cowok ganteng dapat cewek cantik Cewek bilang : Serasi banget… Kalau cowok jelek dapet cewek cantik Cewek bilang : Pasti pake dukun.! Kalau cowok ganteng penyayang binatang Cewek bilang: Perasaannya halus...penuh cinta kasih Kalau cowok jelek penyayang binatang Cewek bilang: Sesama keluarga emang harus saling menyayangi... Kalau cowok ganteng jadi atasan Cewek bilang: Cocok..tampangnya aja intelek Kalo cowok jelek jadi atasan Cewek bilang: Enggak pantes, muka jongos... Kalau cowok ganteng jago main gitar Cewek Bilang: Most talented boy.. Kalo Cowok Jelek jago main gitar Cewek Bi...

a new chapter has begin

ok... now... a new chapter has begin... blank new sheet is ready to be written... i want to write a wonderful story.. a journey about me.. and God.. again.. ^^ it's me God... i'm back... use me..

monday... at my office...

you know.. i work at the same building with Coffee Bean... and everytime i go out to get lunch.. i always see people inside the coffee bean. seat at their comfortable chair with macbook in front of them.. typing their stuff... some probably do their homework.. some just playing around.. surfing the internet.. and some.. do their job.. i think that is my dream job for now... wake up in the morning.. having breakfast with the person that i love... and then.. go to coffee bean of starbucks... order some bagel and hot chocolate... open my macbook air.. and doing my job... ^^ i dont know yet what's my job gonna be.. but i really want it.. do all my work inside the coffee house.. someday... miss u...

"Grow Old With You"

to my love.. the unreachable... "Grow Old With You" I wanna make you smile whenever you're sad Carry you around when your arthritis is bad All I wanna do is grow old with you I'll get your medicine when your tummy aches Build you a fire if the furnace breaks Oh it could be so nice, growing old with you I'll miss you Kiss you Give you my coat when you are cold Need you Feed you Even let ya hold the remote control So let me do the dishes in our kitchen sink Put you to bed if you've had too much to drink I could be the man who grows old with you I wanna grow old with you

[ joke ] is it true? girl vs boys



Seorang pemuda sebentar lagi akan lulus kuliah. Selama beberapa bulan dia selalu membayangkan, nanti pada saat wisuda ayahnya pasti akan membelikan mobil itu kepadanya. Karena dia yakin ayahnya mampu untuk membelikan, sehingga dia sangat yakin nanti dia pasti akan mendapatkan mobil itu. Hari kelulusanpun tiba, pemuda itu menunggu tanda dari ayahnya bahwa ia telah membeli mobil tersebut. Akhirnya pada pagi hari kelulusan ayahnya memanggil dia keruang belajar. Ayahnya mengatakan betapa bangga dan sayangnya ia memiliki anak yang baik seperti dia. Dia memberikan sebuah kado yang dibungkus dengan bagus. Dengan penuh keingintahuan, tapi sedikit kecewa pemuda itu membuka kado tersebut dan menemukan sebuah Kitab Suci bersampulkan kulit. Dengan marah ia membentak ayahnya dan berkata, "Dengan uang yang kamu punya ayah hanya memberikan sebuah Kitab Suci?" dan pergi dari rumah meninggalkan Kitab Suci tersebut. Tahun demi tahun berlalu, sang anak telah menjadi seorang yang sukses...