
thanksgiving week...

ok.. hari ini.. senin.. 4 days to go to thanksgiving day.. and my boss having a vacation for the whole week in Mexico.. yeay! tadi kerja browsing molo kerjaannya.. hhaha... aniwei.. i just know.. that somewhere out there.. someone perfect is waiting for me.. whether she is with some other guy or single. idk.. but i pretty sure that she's out there.. waiting for me to pick her up... waiting for me to love her more.. waiting for me to miss her more... to treat her that tells her that she is the best thing ever happen in my life.. she's perfect in every way.. the way she speaks.. the way she thinks.. the way she tells me how she want to be spoiled... OMG.. can't wait to spend the rest of my life with her...

matt 21:22

Jesus.. this is my life.. i surender to You.. make me love You more.. more than i love myself...


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