
i sold my first website today..!!!

today is monday, jan 26th.. 177 days, 1 hour 28 minutes and 22 seconds left to meet Pooh!...and yeay!! i sold my first website..!! finally.. ^__^ Thank GOD... hari ini Pooh lagi di jakarta.. terus dia sakit tenggorokan sebelom dia tidur.. lupa nyru dia minum obat.. -.-" terus aku kerja seharian.. lupa sms dia.. and dia ngomel gitu. :D senangnya.. hehehe.. terus pulang lebih awal dari kantor.. soalnya mo ke 2 auto body shop company untuk deal Websites.. and then.. ^___^ one of the company bought the website.. hehehe.. they signed the contract and i got the down payment.. hehehe.. Thank you Lord.. terus Pooh sms.. dia sakit tenggorokan.. -.-" huhuuhu.. gak bisa ngomong bgt.. terus dia kedokter.. and i called her just to say "hi" and "miss you".. terus dia tidur lagi.. huhu.. it's been like 3 hours.. and di jakarta tuh uda jem setngah satu siang.. and dia masi bo2.. huhuhu... wuv u sweetie..


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