
^____^ month-versary

hey... today.. my feeling is so blue... pandangan kosong.. O_O
don't know what i'm thinking.. do know what to do...
affraid... yeah.. that's the word...
i'm affraid of losing something precious to me...somethin special.. someone...
dia.. bikin hari2 jadi luar biasa kerennnya.. everything that happened every single day feel perfect...
today.. semua kek nya kosong.. O_O you know.. if you already love someone.. withh everything you are.. i mean like.. EVERYTHING! and then.. when you know.. there's a chance of losing it... what are you goin to do?!
BLUE! that's what i feel..!
the thing is.. thanks for great month... ^__^ thanks for everything.. can't wait to see more...
the best is yet to come.. ryte Pooh?! :D

ps. the pasta dinner was awesome!


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