worship musicians
i got this email from a friend of mine.. and i would like to share it with all of you.. so please.. enjoy.. ^_^
As worship musicians, it is our job to create music that fulfills this purpose. But music, saturated with positive emotions, does not appear out of mid-air, and neither is it carried by the chords and notes of a song. The feelings that music carries comes from the musicians themselves.
For example, Tommy Emmanuel once shared how while listening to Chet Akins' music, he felt that he knew and understood Chet, as the music was infused with Chet's personality. While listening to great music from artistes like Tommy Emmanuel and Marit Larsen, I get the feeling that I am introduced to the artistes as the music is them.
A badminton coach I met once remarked that the ratchet is not a tool, but an extension of the player's arm. Likewise, music isn't just soundwaves bouncing around, but an extension of you, of your worship, your feelings, your personality even. Returning to the David, I believe that David's music was likewise an extension of his dedication and loyalty towards God, and this positive model influenced Saul through music, better than any prep talk could.
Hence you need to ask yourself:
i) To what extent can you make a song become an extension of your personal worship, your feelings, your personality?
ii) Is the result conducive to worship? It will only be if your walk with God is close, & if you are worshiping on stage.
by william nagata